latest news on performances, projects & releases
Four days of master classes, clinics, open rehearsals, workshops and concerts. The sixth Edition of the Amsterdam Marimba Weekend will take place 14 till 17 March 2024 at different locations in Amsterdam. Information about the guests artists, concerts, master classes […]
the launch of a new duo – Kaval-Marimba
United by the love of the pure sound and as ambassadors of their rare instruments Tatiana Koleva – marimba & Zhivko Vasilev – kaval, launch their first project with performances in The Netherlands and Bulgaria. Premiere is at the Rewire […]
Xenakis on Wire
Hardly a more challenging and exciting combination of instruments can be imagined than the one of harpsichord and percussion, where the percussive properties of the harpsichord are emphasized, while at the same time its outspoken lyrical and musical possibilities are […]
How to play the cactus
Slagwerker Tatiana Koleva haalt uit alles een geluid. Dus: waarom niet een cactus omtoveren tot een muziekinstrument? Samen met The Youth Percussion Pool maakte Tatiana de bijzondere performance ‘How to play the Cactus’: een voorstelling waarin beroemde slagwerkcomposities worden gecombineerd […]
Golden Medal International Music Competition
Tatiana Koleva awarded a Golden Medal of the 4thManhattan International Music Competition, June 2019! The competition was open to all music disciplines in classical solo and chamber music. Koleva has participated with contemporary repertoire submitting her own composition and pieces written specially for her. From […]
How to play the Triangle
with the Youth Percussion Pool & Tatiana Koleva PREMIERE 30 May 2019 – Oranjewoud Festival Tour Dates 8 June 2019 – The Night of Arts & Science, Groningen, NL 19 July 2019 – Peter de Groot Festival, Groningen, NL 20 […]
Tatiana Koleva on Dutch TV
Tatiana Koleva – guest at ‘Vrije Geluiden’ – one of the most prestigious TV programs for classical, adventures, contemporary, jazz and world music in The Netherlands. 12 November, 10.30h, Ned 1.
The fourth Edition of the Amsterdam Marimba Weekend will take place 12 till 15 March 2020 in Amsterdam. Information about the guests artists, concerts, master classes schedule, application and practical details go to
This CD contents music by the Bulgarian composer and conductor Martin Georgiev. The ‘Genesis Marimba Concerto’ is written specially for Tatiana Koleva. You can order the CD via the ICSM Records site or contact me directly icsmrecords catalogue
Tatiana Koleva in Poland 26-31 March with concerts, workshops and master classes. Katowice Music Academy Karol Szymanowski Music School Frédérik Chopin Music School

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